Day 8

This post may be unfinished. My research has since ended and I decided that the benefits of this blog did not outweigh the time required to continue writing posts. I have decided to post the unfinished posts for continuity's sake.
Taking a step away from virtualization and toward maximizing the resources on the local computer I began working on a modification of the previous system to run multiple tests on the single machine.

The first step was to write a python script that spawn multiple instances of the bitten slave. The script spawns one instance of bitten for each core the system has. Each instance is spawned in a child process with a unique port number stored as an environment variable. This will be important shortly for queuing up test jobs.

I then worked on writing a bitten recipe that simply calls a local python script, and passes it command line arguments. The location of the local script that the recipe launches, is determined when the recipe is run. The local path to the script is passed by the bitten slave (in the bitten slave configuration file) to the bitten server at connection time. When it connects the bitten server, it tells the server the local path to the script it should run allowing the script to sit anywhere locally and the server to delegate tests to it without the server knowing where the script sits locally.

The next step was to write the script the recipe would call. The script sits on the local machine (which runs the bitten slave as well). It gets called with some set of command lines arguments determined by the recipe but it gets called as a sub process of the bitten client requesting the build configuration (ie requesting the test recipe) from the server.

The script can now spawn a new instance of GraspIt and tell it to listen for commands on a specific port (based on the environment variable that was set when the bitten slave was originally spawned). The script can then use the command line arguments passed by the recipe to run specific tests on GraspIt by sending these tests to the GraspIt socket listening on the designated port.

From here I started working on a way to generate the recipes in batch format. Since the idea was to use each recipe to run a single test or a single set of tests, we wanted to be able to create many recipes with slightly changed parameters very easily and quickly. The first step was to take the recipe I had made originally and parametrize it so that many recipes could be generated from a set of parameters. The first version of this program simply spat out a file with many recipes in it one after the other. We had hoped bitten had a way of easily adding recipes using a batch upload or something of the kind. Unfortunately we found no such thing so the next task was to create a method to add recipes to the system in bulk.

The solution was to use the general recipe addition methods (a set of web based forms) but in an automated fashion. To do this I would write a python script using the mechanize library that would automate both the process of generating the recipe given some set of parameters, and adding it to a new build configuration on the bitten server.

From reading the mechanize documentation and tutorials online you quickly see what a great tool it is. The first obstacle was getting the authentication process to properly recognize my script. Since Trac and bitten don't use forms on pages for login and rather use basic authentication (or in some cases digest authentication) pointing mechanize directly to the admin page doesn't work. Instead you must load your user name and password into mechanize, point it to the login page, and the redirect to the admin page. If you aren't logged in, attempting to load the admin page directly will return a 404 error, not prompt you to log in.

After getting the log in process to work properly, creating a new build configuration (to hold a recipe) is fairly straight forward. Adding the recipe to the build configuration on the other hand is unfortunately not. Mechanize doesn't play so nicely with the way the form is laid out in bitten. The default submit button is the cancel button and getting the form to submit with the save button seems to be an issue many people have dealt with with other applications.
Next week starts out by trying to find a solution.

Day 7

This post may be unfinished. My research has since ended and I decided that the benefits of this blog did not outweigh the time required to continue writing posts. I have decided to post the unfinished posts for continuity's sake.
Today I worked on building clones of virtual machines. The idea is to configure a single virtual machine the way we need to run these tests, and then distribute clones of this machine to many different computers in the lab. The virtual machine can just run in the background, requesting new test and running them in the virtual environment.

After figuring out the cloning process (not such a difficult process at all) I was working on configuring "teams" of virtual machines. Teams can be thought of as virtual labs, or banks of computers that you can interact with as a group. The goal of this was to have teams of computers running in the virtual environment rather than just a single computer and thus be able to run multiple instances of GraspIt in different virtual environments, getting a speed up on multi core systems by running it in parallel, without having to worry about multithreading the code, or worrying that GraspIt won't play nicely with other running instances. If anything should crash or not work as expected, it would happen in the virtual environment and not affect the the main environment of the computer.

I also worked on scripting the start-up and shutdown of the virtual teams, with the idea that a single command at the computer could start or stop the simulation and without dealing with any of the inner workings of the programs. That is, each individual virtual machine would always have a a bitten slave running, requesting tests, and from the main machine you could control if the "virtual lab" was on or off.

The number of things that can be scripted easily with the basic command line interface of VMware Workstation is somewhat limited however. I therefore looked into using VMware ESX and a more server dependent environment since it allowed for a wider range of scriptable functionality. Most likely though, this is overly complicated for this stage of the project.

Day 6

This post may be unfinished. My research has since ended and I decided that the benefits of this blog did not outweigh the time required to continue writing posts. I have decided to post the unfinished posts for continuity's sake.
Today I picked up where we had left off- dealing with the MKL linking error.
After much playing around and testing, I figured out there was an issue with one of the path variables.

Finally, everything compiled and ran, but a new obstacle popped up.
Anytime a file was loaded, GraspIt would throw runtime errors and crash.
We think this may have something to do with the way Qt was compiled.
We decided to move on to other aspects of the project because we already had a working copy of GraspIt (on several other machines, on several other operating systems), and this aspect of the project was mostly and exercise in getting GraspIt to run on the virtual machine using freshly downloaded components, rather than the main goal of the project.

With that in mind, I began work on building a bitten recipe that would launch GraspIt. The idea was to use build configurations to check out the most recent version of GraspIt from the repository and then run it with a collection of test configurations to test different grasps. By using Bitten to handle the delegation of tests, we don't have to worry about maintaining test state on any single machine. Each machine simply queries Bitten for a set of tests and runs them, returning results to Bitten if desired. Bitten keeps track of which tests have been run, so we don't run the same test multiple times for no reason.

Day 5

This post may be unfinished. My research has since ended and I decided that the benefits of this blog did not outweigh the time required to continue writing posts. I have decided to post the unfinished posts for continuity's sake.
Today I went back to working on getting GraspIt to compile using Visual Studio 2008.
No matter what we tried, we seemed to get various compiling errors, popping up in different libraries that GraspIt uses.

We first experimented with reverting to an older version of Coin that was known to work with GraspIt. We then upgraded to a newer version of SoQt that supposedly fixed one of the issues we were having. None of this however fixed all of the compiling issues.

We then decided to revert back to an older version of Visual Studio (2005), which was known to work with GraspIt. We no longer ran into the same compiling errors, but now ran into a new linking error with MKL.

Day 4

This post may be unfinished. My research has since ended and I decided that the benefits of this blog did not outweigh the time required to continue writing posts. I have decided to post the unfinished posts for continuity's sake.
Today I came in on Friday and worked half a day.
My primary goal was getting the bitten slave to run properly on the virtualized machine.
While I could get the slave to connect to bitten properly, and pull the build recipe from the server, the slave refused to connect properly to the svn repository and continually gave me an authentication error along the lines of
... authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge ...
Although bitten allows you to pass a username and password to the slave at run time on the command line, this username and password seem to be used specifically by bitten and trac, but not for svn.

The solution: Using a slave configuration file. Slave configuration files sit on the local machine where the slave is running and are passed to the server when the slave connects. They basically give the server information about who the slave is and what configuration it is using (name, operating system etc.) In bitten's own words:
When a build slave registers with a build master, it sends information about the machine the slave is running on, and what software it has available. The build master uses this information for matching the slave against target platform rules. While some of this information can be automatically discovered by the slave, other information may need to be configured explicitly. Also, a slave instance may want to override some of the automatically computed attributes, for example to enable cross-compilation.
How does this help us? Well, you can pass information about anything in the configuration file (as long as it's a short text string that you can put in the .ini file that is the configuration file). Some values passed in the configuration file are automatically used by the build master, such as machine name and operating system. The big benefit though, is that in a bitten build recipe, you can use these passed values to parametrize your recipe. For example if I include the following code in my configuration file:
bar= baz
in my recipe I can then refer to this as ${} which will be replaced by baz when the recipe is run.

It's clear how useful to us this can be. If we can pass the svn username/password information we want to use, then we can tell the slave to use those details for the check out. This extends beyond just the username/password combination, we can use this to determine the local directory to which we want to save the files checked out the from the repository- especially useful for being compatible on multiple operating systems.

I also worked on writing a script that runs the bitten client on startup and makes sure that the bitten client is running at all times. It's a short python script that checks if the bitten client is listed in the task list, and if not, it runs it. This is linked to a system task that runs every few minutes, every day, thus ensuring the client is always running on this computer.

Day 3

There is a blizzard in New York this week and so the lab is empty. All CUNY schools and public schools are canceled, as well as JTS and Teachers College. Columbia has canceled classes from 3pm onwards due to the weather.

I started off today playing around with the bitten slave again. My first goal was to get the slave to check out the GraspIt! code to a directory that is accessible. Jon figured out a few days ago that if you pass it an absolute directory, rather than a relative directory as we had been doing, the bitten slave actually checks out the code to the right place.

I adapted last week's recipe given the new knowledge and successfully checked out the code into my directory on the server. I then adapted the code for a second recipe meant for Windows boxes (of little help without the windows slave working).

I then returned to working on getting Python and the bitten slave for windows to play nicely together. I stumbled on this little site which got me up and running on my main Windows XP box. It would appear that the issue was a combination of Windows not knowing where Python was, Python not knowing where the slave program (script?) was and the lack of "Setuptools" which I got here:
I successfully got the Bitten slave to connect to the server from the Windows XP box, and after installing subversion, successfully checkout out the GraspIt! source on the XP box.

Unfortunately, these steps didn't seem to translate directly to the virtualized XP box. After some hair pulling, I realized the issue was a stray space in the path variable. It connects fine from the virtualized box now, but is still having issues with authenticating my user with the repository. I think I can get it working if I play around with the slave configuration file. Saving that for next week.

Final note: Did a little research into using gtest, the Google test framework.

Day 2

Today I started off the day by installing SP2 on the virtual machine. While it was installing I transferred all of the files I downloaded last week onto the virtual machine, and extracted the libraries. Once SP2 was installed, I installed Visual Studio 2008.

GraspIt! uses the Qt library and according to the manual, works better with the source code, so I stated to build Qt from the source (which is apparently a very long and slow process). While Qt was building I decided to start experimenting with Bitten.

After gaining access to the trac and bitten sites, as well as ssh to the server I logged into the admin area of bitten. Bitten allows you to write "recipes" in XML, that tell a bitten client or "slave" what actions to take. The slave connects to the server, checks which recipes are waiting for it to run and then runs each recipe in its cue.

My first goal was to write a basic "Hello world" recipe, and to get a slave running on the server to connect to itself and run. The next stage was to get the slave on the server box to check our the GraspIt! code from subversion. This is where I hit a small roadblock.

The recipe would run, and you could follow the checkout process in the console but the files didn't seem to actually get saved anywhere. I realized that you can specify a path for where to check out the files, but still no luck.

I decided to move back to working on the virtual machine and attempt to connect with the slave from the virtualized WinXP box to the bitten server. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Python and this is all based on Python so I'm going to have to do some reading.

I installed Python and the bitten slave on both the virtualized WinXP box and a standard WinXP box but I haven't had any luck getting them to run or connect to the server yet. I'll need to play around with this next week.

Day 1

Today was the first day in the lab and thus I only worked for a few hours in the afternoon.

I got acquainted with the lab and the researchers here, and was given a workstation on which to work.

The first milestone for my project is to get a GraspIt! up and running on a virtual machine. The testing framework will use different virtual machines to run specific test on the code in different environments and on different platforms.

After creating my new user on the computer, I downloaded and installed VMware Workstation. I created a new virtual machine in VMware on which to work, and installed a fresh copy of Windows XP. There wasn't enough time to install Service Pack 2, so I downloaded all of the files and libraries relevant to GraspIt!

What is this blog?

This blog is where I will document my work over the next semester, as I do research in the Robotics Lab at Columbia Univeristy.

I am working under the supervision of Jon Weisz and Dr. Peter Allen.

My project for the semester is to work on building a test framework to ensure code integrity and stability for the GraspIt! project. Since GraspIt! is a cross-platform program, under constant development by multiple developers, keeping all aspects of the code working on all systems it is designed for is a high priority.

Here's a little about GraspIt! from the GraspIt! manual:
What GraspIt! is

GraspIt! was created to serve as a tool for grasping research. It is a simulator that can accommodate arbitrary hand and robot designs. It can also load objects and obstacles of arbitrary geometry to populate a complete simulation world. The GraspIt! engine includes a rapid collision detection and contact determination system that allows a user to interactively manipulate a robot or an object and create contacts between them. Once a grasp is created, one of the key features of the simulator is the set of grasp quality metrics. Each grasp is evaluated with numeric quality measures, and visualization methods allow the user to see the weak point of the grasp and create arbitrary 3D projections of the 6D grasp wrench space.

In our experience, we have found that GraspIt! usually serves one of two purposes. First, it can be used as a development tool, to execute and test various robot control algorithms. In this sense, it serves as a replacement for the real world: in simulation, an algorithm can be tested on many hand designs, many objects and obstacle configurations, at no cost and much faster than in the real world. Second, GraspIt! can be used as a computational platform that backs up a robot that does operate in the real world. For example, a real robot can acquire a model of a target object, then use GraspIt! to quickly evaluate multiple grasping or manipulation scenarios. Often, these scenarios are also combined and the same GraspIt! setup used for development of an algorithm can also be used for computations during real life execution.

GraspIt! has many features that help accomplish these roles; all of these features are documented in the second part of this manual. The most commonly used include the contact detection and grasp quality metrics mentioned above, the dynamics engine and the grasp planning capabilities. The dynamics engine within GraspIt! computes the motions of a group of connected robot elements, such as an arm and a hand, under the influence of controlled motor forces, joint constraint forces, contact forces and external forces. This allows a user to dynamically simulate an entire grasping task, as well as test custom robot control algorithms. The grasp planning algorithms rely on the simulated environment to quickly evaluate many hand postures, and find those that lead to stable grasps. There are many possible implementations of this concept; the planners that are included with GraspIt! can usually find multiple stable grasps of an object in less than 1 minute, taking into account obstacles and other constraints.

Overall, GraspIt! is an open-source virtual environment for simulating robotic grasping tasks accompanied by a number of analysis and development tools. It has been developed in C++ using many other open-source libraries, and is cross-platform, tested on both Windows and Ubuntu Linux.