Day 3

There is a blizzard in New York this week and so the lab is empty. All CUNY schools and public schools are canceled, as well as JTS and Teachers College. Columbia has canceled classes from 3pm onwards due to the weather.

I started off today playing around with the bitten slave again. My first goal was to get the slave to check out the GraspIt! code to a directory that is accessible. Jon figured out a few days ago that if you pass it an absolute directory, rather than a relative directory as we had been doing, the bitten slave actually checks out the code to the right place.

I adapted last week's recipe given the new knowledge and successfully checked out the code into my directory on the server. I then adapted the code for a second recipe meant for Windows boxes (of little help without the windows slave working).

I then returned to working on getting Python and the bitten slave for windows to play nicely together. I stumbled on this little site which got me up and running on my main Windows XP box. It would appear that the issue was a combination of Windows not knowing where Python was, Python not knowing where the slave program (script?) was and the lack of "Setuptools" which I got here:
I successfully got the Bitten slave to connect to the server from the Windows XP box, and after installing subversion, successfully checkout out the GraspIt! source on the XP box.

Unfortunately, these steps didn't seem to translate directly to the virtualized XP box. After some hair pulling, I realized the issue was a stray space in the path variable. It connects fine from the virtualized box now, but is still having issues with authenticating my user with the repository. I think I can get it working if I play around with the slave configuration file. Saving that for next week.

Final note: Did a little research into using gtest, the Google test framework.


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